What Does Reveles Lucem Mean?


My motto behind my photography is "Reveles Lucem." "Reveles" means discover and "Lucem" means light, so essentially, discover light. I started a blog way back in high school, and came up with my motto then. It still goes with me today. Here is an excerpt from my blog from high school :)

"I got a canon camera for Christmas this year, so I had an idea. What if I blogged the pictures I took. Now, obviously I am still learning my camera and all of it's features, so some of the settings and light may be off, but I'm hoping to improve as I practice. Another reason I thought it'd be fun to start a blog is to try and spread the Light of Christ to anyone who comes across my writing. so here goes... :)

As I said earlier, I'm still learning my camera, so I looked up tricks and tips on Pinterest. I learned about shutter speed and iso specifically. these two buttons adjust how much light is let in the lens. Figuring out a balance is very hard (my pictures are either very dark or almost white... there's really no in between lol). Anyway, so I learned that the quicker the shutter closes, the less light you allow in the camera, and the longer the shutter is open, the more light the lens takes in. 

This kinda got me thinking... the longer the shutter is open brings more light, so what if we could control how much light we let in our eyes? (Our eyes do this on their own, but I mean consciously). I'm going to try and parallel this, so bear with me. say God is light and the shutter is our eyes. We're trying to take a picture, and it's dark outside. If we shut our eyes (the shutter) too fast, the picture is going to be black, meaning we didn't allow time for God (light) to get in. So we try to take the picture again, this time opening our eyes for longer allowing God to enter in. this time, we could see what was happening even though it was dark outside, and the picture was beautiful.

What if in our daily lives we are shutting our eyes too fast therefore not allowing time for us to see the Light (God) and what He's doing in our lives? Are our days becoming dark and depressing as opposed to beautiful, bright days, because we're shutting God out too fast? What if we could just press a button and our eyes stayed open? Obviously, this would be great because we could always see what God was doing in our lives. But sadly, just like trying to get the settings balanced on a camera, it't not that easy. when it's dark outside or there are trials and tribulations that occur we close our eyes to God's Light because it's just too hard to trust him. Trusting God to orchestrate the beautiful picture in our lives is a constant struggle, but God wants us to live in the Light with Him. our days would then be bright and uplifting, people would be drawn to our beautiful picture, people would want to share our light with others, and then that light (aka God) is overcoming the darkness. Think about a gallery of photos that are bright and colorful, nobody wants to leave. When we trust God, we're allowing his light to brighten our lives, and in the end the picture that is created is even more beautiful than anything we can fathom."

So from me and my camera to you, let's trust God, and "discover light."

"Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness."
Desmond Tutu